Five - Hand of God
Signs Science Symbols
Math and Numbers
Zero - Circle
Two - Division
Three - Trinity
Four - Time
Five - Hand
Six - Carbon
Seven - Lord
Eight - Sabaoth
Ninth Hour
Ten - Judgment
Eleven - Justice
Twelve - Tribes
Thirteen - Water
Fourteen - Lamb
Fifteen - Mankind
Sixteen - Hydrogen
Seventeen - Oxygen
Eighteen - Addition
Nineteen - Subtraction
Twenty - Service
Twenty one - Multiply
Twenty two - Division
Twenty three - Equality
Forty - Time of Waiting
Hundred - Produce
The 144,000
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Five: The Power of God's Hand

Five represents the power of God's hand.  For it is the power by which He created the universe.  And it is the power by which He shall destroy all of mankind.

It is by the hand of God that He shows His love and kindness, and it is by the hand of God that in vengeance He destroys. “Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand, O You who save those who trust in You from those who rise up against them.” (Psalms 17:7) For God controls all things in His hands, and He created man from the work of His hands. For the Roman numeral for five is V, which is the creative power of His hands. And theGreek numeral for five is epsilon (ε), which is the yearning of life from our hands. For “You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Psalms 145:16)